ADA Sales and Service Counters

Carl Brahe

Counter space for check out, check in and other services need to be at a level that individuals in wheelchairs are about to use them for writing checks, filling out forms and using card processing devices. A portion of accessible counters must be no higher than 36 inches above the floor. This can be a cutout section of the counter or a surface that slides out or can be lifted into place for use by wheelchair users.

The accessible surface needs to be at least 36 inches long and extend the width of the counter if it is a cutout area.

ADA Counter height

Slide out counters need to be a maximum of 38 inches above floor level.

ADA Slide out counter surface

A clear space at least 30 inches by 48 inches must be provided for a forward approach to the counter.

Forward approach ADA counter

The clear space must extend under the counter at least 17 inches and no greater that 25 inches.

ADA counter clearance underneath

The counter must have at least 27 inches clearance from the floor to the bottom surface of the counter.

ADA Counter knee clearance

Where the approach to the counter is from the side, a parallel approach, there must be a clear space at least 48 inches long adjacent to accessible portion of the counter.

ADA parallel approach space